Making a Statement...

I am definitely not a classic single strand of pearls bride, not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just not me!  I'm on the quest for a statement necklace that is just the right amount of quirky - and that enhances but doesn't take away from my dress.  Oh, and I also don't want to spend a million dollars on it! :)

I have found a few from BHDLN (Anthro's wedding site) that while gorgeous, are a little out of my budget.   I also really like a few necklaces in the Erin Cole accessories line, but I'm not sure what they cost. Or there are a few pretty (and affordable) necklaces from Othelia Grace that I like a lot.


I also like this twisted strand of pearls with ribbon & crystals:

1, 2, 3, 4

I've heard that Nordstrom has a bunch of necklaces, but I feel like that's hit or miss in the stores and I haven't seen a ton on their website.  I have heard good things about Kate Spade - and I definitely like their quirky simple necklaces  that say, "i do' or "mrs".  But I'm not sure if they are really wedding day jewelry material (though they are probably the most "me") .  They might be just a cute thing to wear on the honeymoon.

Anyone have any tips on where to find statement necklaces?  I am scouring pinterest for inspiration - and would love to hear any suggestions you have!