Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Getting to Know Eachother! – Proposals

Tina Bass Photography (Love this photo!)

Myself and two of my friends are all getting married. We are all in each other's weddings, and we definitely spend a lot of nights sharing wedding plans and inspiration over wine. I feel like we (the wedding blog world of readers, writers, and vendors) are a close knit group of friends sharing our plans and inspiration minus the wine!  So it's about time to get to know each other!

Each week I am going to post a new question as well as my response. Leave a comment with your story and answer (and a link to your blog or website if you have one) so we can all get to know the people behind this fabulous wedding world!

I'll start with something easy this week (and always a fun one to tell!)

How did he propose???

My answer: December 3rd, 2010 I had a Thursday night off. I had a fashion show coming up in about a week so was in my bedroom looking over all the new clothing I had just received. We had just put up our Christmas tree (he was SO insistent that that tree was up and decorated!) and he kept calling me out to the living room. I came out there and he told me to sit in his lap. He was acting super weird and just kept staring at me. He pulled out the ring box and handed it to me. If he had a speech planned, he was too cute and nervous to say it, and frankly, it was so much for me that I don't think I could even hear what was going on. In the flustered moment that was the proposal, I managed to say yes through the beaming smile, as I just couldn't believe it was happening. I doubted it ever would, and it did! Then I got to open the box and I was pretty darn surprised by the ring. He picked it out all on his own, and it was exactly what I wanted! Looking into his eyes at the moment was the best thing ever.

YOUR TURN! So spill the beans, how did he propose??