Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Keeping It Fun

I have been very lucky in my wedding planning process that I have had a full year to prepare for the big day. My Mr. and I were quick to jump on securing vendors the month after we got engaged and got all of the major decisions done early. Though I have enjoyed having this time to get inspired by all the little details out there in blog land, I found that their is also a balancing act when it comes to wedding planning so that the processes stays fun. In order to accomplish here are a few things that I have done keep myself from being overwhelmed with all their is to do.

I only allow myself three days a week to work on wedding related activities.  I am sure as we get into the home stretch this will change, but for now this has really helped me to keep the planning process in perspective. I make a list of the items I need and/or want to accomplish that week and set out to get them done in the three day window. Those items that don't get completed get moved to the next week. Some people might think I am crazy, but for me and my Mr. this system works for us. It allows us both  enjoy our time together outside of wedding planning. This includes being able to go on out of town trips with friends or a date night on the weekend.

Source: AK Studio Design


Set a DIY limit. This has been a tough one for me to figure out. It would be great if I had copious amounts of free-time to DIY everything for our wedding but in reality this is not a possibility. I  have a very demanding full time job, so balancing what I can create to what is needed to complete our look is an on going struggle for me.  Currently I have a long list of DIYs to complete but have stuck to my schedule above and should be able to complete everything in time. Along with setting a DIY limit comes stop Pinning! I have found that I started to get so overwhelmed by all the ideas that I couldn't focus on what I needed to do versus what I liked. After a careful review of the Pintrest Wedding board I was able to figure out what I wanted to create versus a style that I might have liked but did necessarily fit with the look of our wedding.Another DIY inspiration:

I think these bags would be awesome to give bridesmaids gifts in!

Source: Scarlett and Stephen Photography

My last thought on the whole wedding processes comes down to this. When all is said and done and the dust settles, we will be married and to me that is all that matters. Enjoying this process is important but, remembering that it is a small part in the bigger picture of marriage is the most important thing.

Source: Kristin La Voie Photography
