{Wedding Wednesday} Favorite Finds

Today's Wedding Wednesday finds are from ALL over. I'm loving so many things right now. This wedding wednesday I have gathered together some of my absolute favorites for all you to take a look at! Enjoy all the pretty. Again and again, thank you all so very much for your support, e-mails, comments and everything that else. Engaged & Inspired and The Inspired List are seeing great growth due to all of you that believe it in and keep coming back for more!

This  Green Wedding Shoes post not only made me excited for the confetti photo, but I loved the containers they used to facilitate the look!

This next one comes from the lovely Santa Barbara Chic and though it isn't "wedding" it is an amazing color palette and look that will inspire many weddings to come.

One of my fave photographers Aaron Shintaku did it again with this amazing wedding. It is a must-see!

Everyone remembers cake pops, right? What about this great find from Tres Chic of cake ball CAKES! I'm in love too.

This cake look is by Celebrations at Home and I love it in all of its simplicity.

Love and Lavender who always seems to find a way to make it on the Wedding Wednesday list. This book page inspiration post is a favorite of the week.

Loving this shoot in all its spring glory!

The Knotty Bride posted this in her finds, and I am just passing along the uber amazing-ness of this shot. I am definitely planning to have an alter sign at my wedding, now I just need to figure out what to have it say!

And of course, who doesn't love an uber-textured dress!