This weekend is the bachlorette party! We aren't doing anything too crazy but what we have planned, I am very excited for. Us girls never seem to get much time together anymore. With random work schedules, wedding plans and everything else it just doesn't happen as much as it should. So this weekend the group of us are heading to Napa Valley for a girls getaway and bachlorette party. We may head over to San Francisco on Saturday night to party it up and celebrate!
While we are there I thought it would be a totally perfect opportunity to do a mini photo shoot of all the girls together. Ok so maybe Ian and I can't seem to get an engagement shoot done, but the girls and I will do a BM shoot (or whatever you want to call it. The location is my all time favorite restaurant in Napa introduced to me by my parents and the place that Ian should have proposed to me. (Long story, basically I was definitely sure he was going to do it....and well, he didn't. And if you ask me, he should have :) ) The place has an outdoor terrace followed by a garden area with couches and fountains, followed by rows of vineyards and finally followed by old train tracks and rolling mountains. Srsly, this is a great place for a shoot in every way shape and form.
I'm going to try to style something cute, but who knows what will happen in the next few days! Either way I totally can't wait for this girls trip and a time to finally re-connect with everyone while celebrating!
Photos by the amazing Elizabeth Messina
The location for the shoot: Here is the gardens area as well as the terrace where we will be enjoying dinner.