I still don’t have a dress

In three days, it will be exactly seven months from my wedding and I still don’t have a dress. In December when I first went shopping for a dress, I felt it was way too early to be even looking at dresses. What if I changed my mind? What if I hated in 10 months? What if I saw something I liked better? Now, three months later I am starting to feel the heat a bit. I still feel very confident that I will find something, but the pressure is starting to build! After the dress shopping trip with my sister and my mom, I took a two month break from dress shopping and I think that really helped. I was able to process all of those dresses I tried on and really deduce what it was I liked and didn’t like about all of them. I also realized that any dress I wore would be beautiful, so I had to narrow down to the one that embodied how I wanted to feel on my wedding day.

This made dress shopping round two much easier! Knowing that I was a bit overwhelmed by the entire process, one of my girlfriends thankfully took it upon herself to book some appointments for me here in SF. And though I didn’t come home with a dress, I have a much better idea of how I want to look.

Next month, I am heading to New York City for one of my college friend’s bachelorette parties and she very smartly encouraged me to make an appointment at wedding gown mecca – Kleinfeld’s – while I am there. So if worse comes to worst, I am hoping I will find something there (I think I have to!).

The last time I did a wedding dress post, I was a bit all over the place in terms of what I liked. But I think I have a much better idea now. Here are some dresses that are catching my eye as of late. Maybe, one of these will be the one!

Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

How many months before your wedding did you find your dress?