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Aloha from Maui! Just wanted to check in and share another sneak peak of our wedding photos. I really can't wait to share more with you when I get them. However, I must admit, I am suffering from a bit of the post-wedding blues. My wedding was less than 2 weeks ago but it already seems like it was ages the same time, it's hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that something I planned (and thought about for the better part of every day) for almost 8 months was over in a matter of hours. I don't necessarily miss the stressful bits of the planning process but it does feel weird to not ''have'' to wake up and instantly check blogs for inspiration, e-mail vendors, work on diy projects, etc. I know I should relax and enjoy our honeymoon but I can't help but be a little sad that the wedding is over. Do any of my married ladies out there have any tips for getting over these post-wedding blues?