When does it slow down?

I’ve been suffering from a pretty bad cold for the last few days, so apologies for the short post as I try to recuperate! Despite the coughing and sniffling, I did manage to get some wedding to-dos done this past weekend, including editing our invitations, meeting with our new point of contact at our reception venue and working on the centerpiece designs. We’re getting there, folks!

People keep asking me if I am in the quiet lull of wedding planning. Honestly, I am not sure if such a period exists! There is ALWAYS something to decide on, start or finalize – whether large or small. I just checked my wedding website and apparently we are 130 days out! I can’t believe it! And I don’t see things slowing down at all!

While I am recuperating from this cold, I would love to hear your thoughts. Did you have a quiet period? Or were you constantly busy with wedding planning throughout your entire engagement?

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