The First Look

The first look was one of my favorite parts of Ryan and Liz's wedding. Of course none of the bridesmaids were at the scene, but instead, we were all crammed together on the end of the balcony trying to get as close of a look as possible. Even from that distance the moment was amazing, you really could just feel it. The body language really spoke for itself. I love this little sequence below because it takes no words to describe. The love and excitement is so present between the two of them that it is rather hard to try to put words to this incredibly romantic moment.

The First Look:

How do you feel about first looks? Are you going to do one??

I wasn't really that into them before, but after seeing this and thinking about it more, I really do think I am going to do one. The reasons I have been able to muster up would be first and foremost, the photography opportunity! It is really hard to get these kinds of shots while walking down the aisle, and could you imagine if they didn't have these gorgeous shots? Oh and a side note would be that you could get some of the photography shot list done before the wedding. Second reason would be the intimate moment of the whole thing. I would like the moment between him and I to be special, intimate and alone. Plus you can say a few words to each other possibly lighten the jitters a bit?? Plus I think the walking down the isle moment is in such a different element, that he will look just as he would've if he didn't see you in the first place.The last reason for me personally is that my eye sight is really bad, so chances are, I won't even be able to see him half the time I am walking down the isle!

So what are your pro's and con's on the first look? Are you adding it to your wedding, or are you sticking to tradition??

Photo Credit: Jason + Anna Photography