Girls Shoot In Napa by Scott Andrew Studio

You may remember that I spent my bachlorette weekend in Napa, one of my fave places. I happen to have a favorite restaurant up there, Brix, which I go to every time I am in the area (which as I have said before, was the place that Ian should have proposed to me...just saying) Brix is also a place I have been dying to do a photo shoot at. DYING. The patio, vineyard, fountains and train tracks make for some absolutely incredible photo ops. I feel in love with Scott Andrew after seeing the most gorgeous amazing lavender wedding ever. Bonus: he shoots on film, which I just love. That takes a ridiculous amount of talent in this digitally-dominated world. Seeing as I used to shoot on film and develop in the dark room, I am slightly partial to it.

Anyways, he agreed to do a shoot with us before dinner. 6 loud girls with a little wine can be a challenge, and he was quite the trooper. Not to mention he was incredibly nice and a fun guy to spend a bit of time with.

I grabbed what few props I had and brought them along, but nothing much. I would love to do a proper over-the-top incredible photo shoot at this location. Maybe one of these days.

Love Letters by Scott Andrew Studio

Sometimes the location and wardrobe are props enough to make an incredible engagement shoot. Although, it doesn't hurt to add in something as cute as those "LOVE" letters. Scott Andrew Studio was the guy behind this shoot, which is just so lovely. Incidentally, Scott was the photographer that we met in Napa to do our girls shoot a few weeks ago. I was so excited to find out that he shoots film because I love the feeling film gives to photos. Those should be coming in a few days/weeks.

Photography by Scott Andrew Studio submitted via Two Bright Lights.