Holding onto Spring

I don't know about you guys, but I'm holding onto the thought of spring. Maybe it is because I feel fully jipped by California's idea of summer this year, or maybe it is because come next Spring I will be getting married, but either way, I'm loving and I'm holding onto it! So I am putting forth a little spring inspiration board for us all. It is a bit harder to plan a spring wedding when all the upcoming inspiration is going to be winter-ific! I love winter weddings, so I am hoping I am not tempted with too many amazing color palettes, winter ideas, etc. How many people are doing succulents? I have definitely been contemplating them recently. Oh and isn't that mailbox the CUTEST way to get your gifts?? I think it's incredible. And of course macaroons in a chalkboard bowl, what else do you need?

Source: Jessica Claire, SMP, The Giver's Log

PS: I have been sick for the last several days (it's been 5+ years since my last sickness) so I've had better days. But, today I went to Starbucks to get a Chamomile tea and finally do some blogging and what do you know, I spilled the whole hot thing :( The guy was super dooper nice and gave me another, and luckily my computer ended up being ok! Close one though. Definitely a close one. I'm grateful for the nice Starbucks man though, I need this tea!