I figured it was due time to give all of you a great big update on The Inspired List. The anticipation is just killing me. It's SOOO pretty and it actually works! I really can't wait for the simplicity it will bring to both vendors and brides. Like really really really, it is going to make everything SO much easier.
If you haven't already, go to theinspiredlist.com and sign up for an e-mail update when the site launches!
First of all, the prizes, OH THE PRIZES! I have been so very lucky enough to work with some amazing vendors, shop owners and sponsors to compile a list of some of the most fantastic prizes for all you brides out there. These are like jealous-worthy prizes. Not to mention all the generous vendors who are offering discounts on services for launch week! I can't wait to release it to you all. I'm hurting here, you know how I hate keeping secrets! Oh and if you vendors think I have forgotten about you......just wait till you hear what I have in store for you!
I said before that there are a lot of ways to get involved with The Inspired List. Since then, the list of ways keeps expanding! And of course, we are still totally open and interested in taking on more!
We are officially testing the site! If you would like an early peek and early sign-up on The Inspired List, e-mail me at theinspiredist@gmail.com and I will reward you with an upgrade for one month for free!
I am also giving vendors the chance to gain some extra promotion by offering launch week discounts for brides. If you would like to offer a discount, money off your shop, or anything like that- e-mail me theinspiredlist@gmail.com
Shop Owners:
If you want to offer up something to giveaway during launch week, e-mail me to set that up. In exchange, you will get a featured post about your shop and brand. You can also offer discounts on items and you will be added to our special discount board for people to shop it up at your store!
If you are interested in covering the launch of The Inspired List, I would be utterly delighted. As a thank you, I will give you a sneak peek of the site as well as anything else you want! (well, ok maybe not anything, but I will help you out!) E-mail me for details!
If any brides are interested in seeing the site early and giving me some feedback, I would totally love to hear it! E-mail me at theinspiredlist@gmail.com
Get ready everyone, the launch is officially set for October 12, 2010. I'll see you then!