Last year I wrote about my non-resolutions in a blog post. I haven't visited that post all year until today. And though they were my own words, it was truly inspiring. I forgot about my accomplishments, my feelings and how how things were just a short year ago. So much has changed since then, and I have to say, I was a lot smarter then.
2010 and more specifically December of 2010 was the best time in my entire life. I had finally made it and I was truly truly happy. I have a writing job I LOVED to pieces, I was making a 6 figure income and I had goals, dreams and purposes. Literally what more could I ask for?
The besties
Times and interests changed and though I didn't notice it as it was happening, boy do I see it now. I somehow got caught up in day-to-day and continually putting myself down. I saw very clearly what I wasn't accomplishing and paid no attention to what I was. I sort of became my own worst enemy in having so much doubt in myself. I began feeling like I completely lost what I have spent the last few years building up, not to mention the momentum I had before. I wasn't planning on writing my resolutions/non-resolutions, but after reading last year's post, I find it extremely important to continue this. Sometimes you forget that you can be your own mentor.
My flower girl and favorite little girl
I stated I was much smarter then, but I was much more inspired as well. Some not so wonderful things happened this year and I guess I still haven't gotten out of the funk. It is time to change that, and I know it.
Wedding fabulousness
Last years resolutions:
1. Make The Inspired List the most amazing vendor guide that helps thousands of brides on their big day. {Work In Progress}
We now have tens of thousands of people viewing Inspired Guide every month. We re-designed and re-launched the site and it is a much better resource at this point. I don't think anything is ever really done, so this one is definitely still a work in progress as I would love to see Inspired Guide and Engaged & Inspired break all new records this coming year.
2. Continue to be a writer and don’t ever give that up for a 9-5. {Accomplished}
This I have stuck to. I would never go back to a regular old job, although days don't pass where I don't wish I could go back to the unispiring and easy world of a regular old job. I don't want a 9-5, but I want a start-up, a passion project and something that I can dive into and flex my creative muscles.
3. Marry the man that I have been in love with since I was about 13 years old. {Accomplished}
You all have heard that we got married, right? :)
4. Travel the world like never before. {Accomplished}
I added Chicago to my list of sight seeing as well as Australia and New Zealand. I think that is pretty good for a year's time. But boy do I have big plans for the coming year.
5. Make a little time for Vegas :) {Accomplished}
I have a guilt pleasure for Vegas. I really do. This year the besties and I had the time of our lives and celebrated our bachlorette, Melissa. And meeting/hanging with Kid Cudi for the afternoon wasn't a bad surprise to the trip either.
6. Expand and grow with Engaged & Inspired and continue to inspire and be inspired by all that the wedding world has to offier. {Work In Progress}
I'm getting there, and I have big plans for this coming year, but like I said, there is never a time when I will feel "done" with the progress of E&I.
7. Continue saving like a crazy person and continue to have zero debt to anyone. {Negative}
Well, not really negative, but I didn't stick to this one like I should. I'll totally admit that I went a little off the wire here, which is a combination of opening a new shop and losing a job. I don't have any debt, but my savings has seen the brunt of my decisions.
8. Comment more on blogs. I always mean to and I want to show my love so this year I’m making time for that. {Negative}
What is my problem with this? Google Reader needs to create a comment button to make it much easier!
9. Buy my Lexus. (This one I can’t wait for!) {Accomplished}
I switched to Audi and bought one. It was definitely a reward to myself for all my hard work :)
10. End the year with little Reaghan in my belly. {Negative}
This little girl hasn't arrived just yet, and who knows when she actually will. So I leave this one unchecked off for now, until the day comes when we are both ready.
Photo by Scott Andrew Photography in Napa
New Years Resolutions:
1. Spend more time doing what I love, and not getting sucked into things because I feel like I have to.
2. Find a passion, that thing that I want to do and go for it! Stop being a drifter and focus on what I want and what will get me there.
3. Finish decorating my home and start saving to buy our next home.
4. Get my savings back on track and continue to stow away 50% of all earnings. You will thank yourself later.
5. Do things that make you happy so you can truly say you are.
6. Learn how to enjoy things and be happy again.
7. Learn photoshop and how to design stuff on my own so I don't have to be at the mercy of my extremely busy husband.
8. Get inspired again.
9. Make Engaged & Inspired what you truly want it to be.
10. Add date nights back in with the husband, and get off the computer and phone. (More on how I am doing this later. It's actually pretty cool)
11. Become a better listener, friend and person. Be there for people and don't be afraid to be a little vulnerable.
12. Get work discipline in again, but doing things that mean something.
13. Realize my worth again and be confident in that. Don't doubt or put myself down. I can do whatever I want to do.
14 Make an effort and try harder in everything you do.
The fabulous Yasmin of Floral Theory handing me my bouquet
As for my non-resolutions. There are not as many as last year, as I don't feel like I have done my best. Lots of room for improvement, but in an effort to recognize my strengths and not doubt myself, I will put something down here.
1. You held up through the good and the bad this year and kept somewhat of a focus. Times were tough, but you got through them. Continue to be resilient this year and make things happen.
2. You starting getting more on track with your passion and realizing where your skills lie. Continue to follow that passion and sort through what is and is not good for you. You actually went for it, and you are in a better place now because of it.
3. This year you made decisions that have helped further your career and your life. Continue casting aside things that are unimportant for those that truly are.
4. You got married! Not only did you pull off one hell of a wedding, you started a journey that is unlike any other.
5. You made your own life go right because you were in charge 100%. Way to stay grounded and true to you.
6. You have created something for yourself and though it isn't where the ideal scene is, you are far better off than if you had never started.
7. You did 100 days straight of Yoga. Not a bad way to start the year. Continue that this year.
Steph and I finally hanging out in New Zealand
And there you have it. As of now, 2012 and I haven't gotten off to the best start. But all that means is I have a foundation from which to build and the only place I can go is up. In times where things get trying, I actually learn a bit more about myself, who I want to be, and what I want to do. The only way out of things is the way through, and though these first few days of the year have been the worst, some amazing things have actually come from them that never would have happened without actually going through it. And for that, I am grateful.
Here is to you, 2012!