Old Hollywood Vibe, but Where?

For me, finding a dress was easy,  but finding the venue has been hard. You have to identify your collective personality through decor, theme, colors, vibe, and ultimately the location! I have found this experience time consuming and overwhelming. This is a very important day, after-all. I think I'm not alone when I say, I went from first feeling like I could get married anywhere and it wouldn't matter, to all of a sudden getting sucked into wedding planning madness and feeling pressure that it has to be perfect. I feel pressure to find a beautiful venue that feels like us, is how I envision it and fits into our small budget. (Small on average standards.) Did you know the average American wedding costs over $25,0000?????? That's craziness!

We are so grateful that we already own our beautiful home. With $25K I could use that money on MANY different things around here, but when it comes down to it I do want our wedding day to be special. I want to find a wedding venue that I love, but doesn't feel like I'm settling. We will cut corners where we can and save money throughout the year. And we are counting our lucky stars that our families are generous enough to pitch in. We all know that no matter where we get hitched it will be unforgettable. Here's the game-plan: Do not get caught up in unnecessary details. Be creative and have fun.

Ok, back to the venue. I want it to be amazing, but modest, and most of all I want it to be personal and feel like "us." When Vinnie and I first started discussing where our dream wedding (which was the night he proposed),  we didn't give ourselves any boundaries, or budgets for that matter. We let our imaginations run wild, and dreamed of our ideal location. The location that first popped into my mind was Palm Springs. Why you might ask? Well, a number of reasons. We love to take little get-away vacations there. It's only 2 1/2 hours away from LA. I fell in love with the desert when I hosted a travel show there a few years ago. The weather is warm year round, and you truly feel like you've escaped LA. Another reason we love it there is because of its history. Back when the Rat Pack was around they used to take trips to the desert to relax and play. The charm of Old Hollywood is still there in its simplistic beauty.


On that note, we LOVE music from that era! Whenever we cook dinner together its become instinctual to cue our Pandora Radio to the Dean Martin station. Vinnie is Italian, and hearing Dino sing "Return To Me," as Vinnie lip syncs along, while we prepare a delicious meal is just about the most romantic thing ever. OK, back to our "vibe." We are old souls. I love mid-century design and fashion, and music of the 1950s and 60s, so when it came to our wedding venue search I was immediately drawn to venues that transported you to another time and place. Here are a few that we previewed in Palm Springs.

After a long day of searching over 6 venues, we fell in LOVE with the Colony Palms. The hotel recently had a $10 million dollar renovation. It was originally built back in the 1920s. It was owned by an alleged mobster who used it as a speakeasy, gambling house and brothel. It  was later owned by the owners of the famous racing horse, Sea Biscuit, who used it as a boutique hotel. Today it has the old charm and character of both worlds, but it's brand new! The Spanish Revival-style structure, and cool bar with olive leather couches and purple lamp shades brings you back to a different era. (Think Boardwalk Empire!) What made it even cooler is that Vinnie's family used to own the property behind the hotel. His family used to vacation there every year over 50 years ago!

Where does the bummer come in? Oh, you guessed it. The price. They require that you book out 100% of the rooms (there are approx 56), which can be extremely pricey. In addition to that, there is a $26,000 food/beverage minimum. For someone like me on a tight budget, this was just not realistic. Even if we had the money to do the wedding there, I would feel awful asking our guests to pay the room premiums when there are plenty of other nice hotels around for a much cheaper price. Anyway, this is where we can do our vow renewal 10 years from now. (sigh) I feel better now. Feast your eyes on the coolness of the colony palms above and below.

The one thing I learned from this day trip out to Palm Springs is that not only do I love old Hollywood Charm, but I also love Spanish Revival Architecture. I love an outdoor venue that has history and character. I want something different and unique. The question remains, is it possible find these special nuances at another venue? Does my dream venue exisit outside of Palm Springs? Perhaps it's not about the location. Maybe it's about discovering your own unique style, then searching for a city that has it all and is more convenient and affordable. What are your thoughts?

By the way, I'd like to thank my friend Mrs. Jessica Haro who inspired me to keep searching for the perfect venue and not give up hopes on a desert wedding. Jessica quit her job as a successful PR consultant to become a wedding planner. (BTW her Sonoma wedding was off the hook and I'm not surprised that she found her destiny.) Thanks again to her for getting me involved with this blog. I'm having a blast and I'm so grateful you are all following me along on this creative journey.

I leave you with photos of two of my favorite Hollywood ladies of the 1950s who inspire me :)

Venue: CHECK!

FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! The venue has been found and booked! Yep, there is officially a backdrop to this wedding.

I have seen this place many times before, but the price tag always scared me away. ( But I can't tell you how much I appreciate them putting their prices on their website). Finally I decided to call and what do you know, they had options, they had solutions, and they were going to try to make it work. After talking to the Hunter and calling a few caterers, it was clear that it could actually work with my budget.

After viewing practically every venue in the Bay Area, I can finally say picked the best venue in a few hundred mile radius. So, here is a look at the venue:

The Entrance: Gorgeous trees fill just about every inch of this place. From the moment you drive up the ambiance is set. Horseshoes and a bocce ball spot are to the left for guests to entertain themselves prior to the ceremony starting.

The ceremony spot: The photos don't do the ceremony spot any justice. In person, it is breathtaking. The view beyond the altar is vineyards and rolling mountains. It is actually incredible. Those wood chairs that come with the venue. They are nice, right? Definitely better than what they could look like.

The cocktail patio: The thing I love about this place is that each piece of the wedding takes place in a different area. The cocktail patio opens to a sitting room (pictured below) for guests.

Courtyard Patio: This is the coolest little patio I have ever seen! So many options for this little spot. Place cards will likely go here, however I haven't quite decided yet.

Reception: This is the dinner spot. So excited for all this place has to offer. I think I am going to do long tables like this. I am definitely going to look into renting picnic tables, because I was totally obsessed with that idea, but that all depends on price.

The Carriage House: After dinner people end up at the Carriage House (MY FAVORITE PART!) for the dancing portion of the event. This is where the s'more and cigar bar come out, fire pits get lit and music starts up. I can't wait to do something incredible with this space. See those fire pits?? This place really was meant for me! Incredible.

So this is the venue! Great neutral colors, great photo spots, overall gorgeous space. A bride rented those lounge tables and chairs. Oh and the guests all arrive by golf cart and cars are parked elsewhere so those won't be obstructing any kind of view.

The girls have a huge room to get ready (with LOTS of table space) and the boys have a pool table, darts, a TV and a small bar. We are going to have fun!

This place is perfect. I couldn't be more excited to see my wedding finally come together in such a beautiful space. On top of that, I love the events person, Hunter! She truly cares about each and every one of her brides and has so much pride in this place she has created. I am incredibly excited to work with someone that really gets it, and acts like we are her only clients even though in reality they are booked solid all year long!

So, we sent in the check and it is official! This place is ours! Now I get to do all the fun stuff, I can't wait to see it all come together. Oh and our wedding date? April 8, 2011.

{Our Wedding} Finding The Venue

UPDATE: As much as I LOVED this venue for our wedding, everything took a sour turn and the venue ended up turning into a nightmare.....Read about the Radonich Ranch venue nightmare here. Holy Moly this has been quite the morning! I haven't been able to sit down and write a blog post as I have been busy talking to the coordinator of the venue I love :) I always have a good reason!

Yep, you read it right. Going to book, like in real life, like that point of the wedding planning I never thought I would get to. Yep, I'm there! And boy has it been a journey.

Source: 100 Layer Cake

When I first started all of this, I told myself (and all of you) to hold out for the perfect venue with the perfect price, not to settle for something less, and even if it takes forever, don't give up. Well, I just barely followed my own advice! I was looking for so long at so many places. I almost settled on some amazing and totally over budget venues many times. Each time I knew I wouldn't be happy feeling ripped off, but that there seemed to be no other solution. The idea of looking on herecomestheguide.com one more time made me want to die. I gave up many times, and came back to it many times. I have created some tips to venue searching in case it helps any of you that are going through hell finding the venue.

Google It: Whenever I find a venue that I like, I search google images to get more photos of the space, inspiration from other weddings held there, and an overall reality on the feel of the space. When I found Vignette Vintage Ranch I did that and found some really great weddings, so I had an idea of how it all went and what the feel of the space was going to be.

Talk It Over: Right before going to see the space, I prepped myself for it. A few of my BM's and I talked about different ideas I wanted to add to the wedding and how (or if) those would fit in. Turns out that all the various ideas I wanted for my wedding would fit perfectly with this space. I also realized that the runner-up venues, weren't the right style for the ideas I had. This made me mentally prepared to picture everything in the space when we went to see it.

Prioritize: No venue is going to have every single thing you ever want, especially if you are in a budget. You sort of have to prioritize whats important and what isn't. I actually didn't have to do that too much. Because of the price, I was able to keep my whole guest list and the one thing I really wanted, fire pits, I was able to negotiate and get them. Yay for that.

Get Inspired: If you have a vision of your wedding and a style you are going for, it makes it a lot easier to picture yourself and your wedding in that space. Get inspired with ideas for your wedding so you know what you want. Vineyard, Rustic, Barn, etc. This can definitely be rather hard, especially if you are taking items from so many different styles, but once you get the vision together, I swear it will make it so much easier.

Don't Give Up: I'll be the first to say it, easier said than done! I totally know! You want to settle and you want to go over budget just to get it over with. But in reality you probably won't be very happy in the end. Going over budget either means more stress and cutting out people or ideas you really wanted and neither of those are really fun. I literally waited for 8 months of constant searching and feeling like nothing would ever pop up. I felt like I had seen every venue again and again. If you just wait it out, you will find something.

You'll Be Surprised: When you find the venue, you will definitely be surprised about it all, and it will feel amazing! I talked to the coordinator of our venue and it turns out she does the centerpiece flowers, supplies mason jars, old boxes, milk jars, apothecary jars, antique old linens, etc. SCORE! That is going to save me a lot of money right there! On top of all that, the price is far. See, it somehow all worked out and everything fell into place, though I pretty much assumed it never would.

Overall, this place is perfect for me. It won't stretch my budget to an ungodly amount and I will still be able to have everyone there that I want to be there. (Except Bear sad face) I get to incorporate all the ideas I have into this space, and best of all, it will all turn out perfectly! I never really knew that this is what I was envisioning this whole time, but it totally is!

Anyone else have really good suggestions for those in venue turmoil??? It's such a hard process.

Hey, check out the journey I have taken to finding a venue from the original Aptos dilemma, to the back yard wedding pros and cons, including the actual backyard I would have it in! Also, there was the time I was going to pay a ridiculous amount in site fees. Down to the time where I just sent a plea for help on the blog! And finally, pictures of the actual wedding venue!

How am I planning on decorating this amazing venue?? Check out a few of my favorite things I plan to incorporate, S'more favors, my actual wedding favors pies,  and some really cool centerpieces that I love!

Part 2: Vintage Wedding in my Potential Venue!

Ok here is part two of the amazing wedding. Again, this is the venue I am planning to use so it is great to see that someone has actually done a fantastic wedding here! Just so that everyone doesn't think I am crazy for being majorly indecisive on this space :), here is the update. I am taking the moms to see the place on Sunday. At this point, unless they point out any insanely major issues, I am going to book it. I do have a few cons keeping me from instant love, the first being the homemade food. I actually have no doubt in my mind that it will turn out to be 100% incredible, but it is the stress of getting to that point that is really killing me. It is obviously just a lot of work.

The other major concern is that the space is just not a wedding set-up. In a way I actually really like that because I hate a lot of cookie cutter wedding venues, but at the same time it takes lots more creativity and pulling in different elements to ensure the space is how it is supposed to be. I am definitely very excited to work with the non-traditional aspect, but in times of wedding inspiration-block, I am nervous that I won't know where to put anything! Oh my. That probably won't be the case, but I guess it is worth freaking out about.

SOOO CUTE on the food right! Love the way they did this.

OMG! I am sooo doing milk like this..I am in love :)

One thing I love about this space is the very versatile photography spots! There are so many different places which are all totally different styles. I think that will make for some great diversity!

This is the outside of the building. Not something we would be seeing from the seating in the reception.

OK all, I could REALLY use the help and feedback! What are your thoughts? Cute, not cute, keep looking, do something in particular?? I can't believe I might actually have a full venue booked in the next week. YAY

Venue Search Part 2 - Reception

Last week I showed off my lovely venue and talked about the big issues involved! (If you didn't read that one you can check it out here) After being fully upset that I would never get this venue situation figured out, I decided it was time (again) to scour the Internet for reception sites. Low and behold, I found another solution. But since all of this can't just be simple for me, there are of course wrinkles in the plan.

The place is called Bargetto Winery and is about 5 minutes away from the Monarch Cove Inn. So as for the plan, here it goes:

Start the ceremony at 3:00pm at the Monarch Cove Inn. Right after, we would do pictures with the epic views while the rest of the wedding has a cocktail hour on the fantastic deck of the Monarch Cove Inn.

At 5:00pm the party would move to the Bargetto Winery for the reception. It is an outdoor space, with lots of greenery all around, it is a second stunning wedding spot. The downside is that the space ends at 9:00pm which is a bit early.

The second issue: the price! With two wedding spots comes two site fees. I need to work it all out but it seems slightly weird to pay double fees. Apparently the Monarch Cove Inn is that worth it to me.

I need some help! $4900 in site fees??? Am I being ridiculous?

{Napa Wedding Venue} Bardessono

As I continue on my search to finding my wedding venue, I thought I would show some of the places I have been to. Whether you are a bride in the area, or looking to have a destination in Northern California, I hope this series of posts will help to give you a real glimpse into the venues of the area. (PS-this is not a sponsored post. I simply went to check it out for fun!) Bardessono, located in Napa Valley, offers a completely different wedding experience. The hotel is surrounded by gorgeous greenery including a full vegetable garden in back (which the chefs often walk out to as all food is made with fresh items from the garden). Bardessono is luxurious yet has a charm about it that makes it a very modest beauty.

I met with Hedy, the director of the wedding area, so I could get a tour of the space and find out all the amazing details. She has a very impressive resume as a wedding planner, and had such an excitement about what the Bardessono space had to offer, which made me completely trust her with any wedding plans!

This is the space from above- including the central lounge area and the phenomenal views this space has to offer!

This is one of the ceremony spaces. It is right next to the reception space amid rock formations and a lot of greenery with a small path which goes over a little stream of water. This is a completely unconventional spot, but I feel in love with the natural decor and shape of the space.

Above is the vegetable garden I mentioned earlier and a pathway leading us around the property. Love it!

These are the venue areas. There is an indoor/outdoor area for the reception. The room looks pretty blahzeh which is true, but Hedy's excitement for the space options and head full of ideas on what can be done with the room gave me confidence that the space would not look drab in the end.

I love the pool area! I have never met anyone who shared my dream of a plexi-glass dance floor over a swimming pool as part of the wedding reception, until I met with her! I was so excited that I was not the only one who had thought that! She was talking of plans to use the pool space as a reception area, which I thought was a perfect idea!

Overall, I loved the feeling and class of the space and would love to have a wedding here. as far as I remember, the prices are reasonable, and they are definitely willing to work with budgets. E-mail her if you are interested in the space-hedy.macferran@bardessono.com

Let me know what you think about the space, or if you have a place you have been dying to go see!

All photos by Cooper Falk