Simple Colorful Cake


 Source: Southern Weddings

Cake! Lets talk about cake for a minute, shall we? My fiance was home on military leave this past week, so we took the opportunity to cross many things off our wedding to-do list. One of those things was cake tasting - something we couldn't easily do over skype.


Source: Sweetapolita

cake 1

Source: Manchik Photography

We met with 3 bakers in our area with the focus on choosing the most delicious cake and frosting. We've decided to do simple single-tier cakes with fun textures, colors, and toppers on vintage cake stands to give a whole spread of eye catching smaller cakes. This way we can play with a bunch of fun flavors (chocolate, vanilla, lemon, tiramisu, you name it!) and also keep things modern and budget-friendly.


Source: Sweetapolita

finorangeslice (1)

Source: Sweetapolita

These are some ideas I've saved for textured buttercream and ombre colors. See more on my Cakes! Pinterest Board.


This weekend JB and I finally had a real cake tasting! We'd been to a different bakery a few weeks ago, but we didn't get to try any of the fun flavors (which is what we're interested in), so this week, we ordered samples from a well-loved local bakery and tasted away! We made notes and each made a secret ordered list of our favorite flavors before comparing. You'll have to wait and see which flavors we picked, but look at these tiny adorable tasting cakes!

After tasting all of the cakes, we decided that one flavor just isn't enough. Instead of having one huge cake, we're going to have three cakes. Our main cake will be two-tiered and then we'll have two single-tiered smaller cakes to make an adorable little trio. This weekend I found some really neat antique stands for the cakes (that you'll have to see later), but I'll let you know that they are vey unique! I've always like very simple cake decorations and toppers, nothing too fancy or over the top. Here are a few of my favorites:

What are you doing? One cake? Multiples? No cake at all?

Clockwise from top left: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

The Cake {table}

There are a few wedding traditions that I've never cared much for, the garter toss, receiving line and...the cake. I know that might infuriate some people, seeing as that most people would give their left arm for cake, but I've just never really liked cake. Unfortunately (for me...not for my guests) JB LOVES cake, so although I've tried many times to talk JB in to having a stacked cake made from cheese wheels and an array of mixed berries (cheese and berries are my favorite indulgence), it looks like we'll be having a cake. Although I don't really like eating cake, I do love the way some cakes look which is why I am most excited about working with whoever makes my cake to design their look and feel (I want to do a few small cakes rather than a large stacked one). I am ESPECIALLY excited about the cake table. Being only 21 means that my furniture collection is rather limited, so I would love to buy a piece for the cakes that i could have in my house after. Some of these are WAY out of my price range (see the west elm dining table), but a girl can dream.

Here's what I want my cake table to be like...except with cakes, of course:

Pottery Barn clockwise from top left: one, two, three

World Market clockwise from top left: one, two, three, four

west elm clockwise from top left: one, two, three

What are you doing for your cake table? I need some affordable ideas!

Sugar High

I am halfway through a 30 day sugar detox. Yes, this was self-imposed and yes I am crazy. After a splurging on way too many holiday treats, I decided to take a break from the sweet stuff for a month in the hopes of get my cravings back in check. Consequently, all I can think about is sugar as of late! So I thought I would channel this into something productive and start salivating searching for some awesome cake décor ideas! My fiancé is still unsure about having a full-blown cake. He would like a dessert bar with lots of options for people to choose from. Given that this is one of the only things he has expressed an opinion about (the other thing was hors d'oeuvre – are you sensing a theme?), I think I have to give it to him. But I still would like a cake – likely a small one – in order to capture the obligatory cake-cutting moment. And I also love the tradition of freezing the top layer and enjoying it together on your first anniversary (“enjoy” might not be the right word – does it still taste good after a year?).

So far I am leaning toward all white! I absolutely love these eyelet ones I have come across.

Credits clockwise from top left: 1, 2, 3, 4

And these flower cakes are breathtaking!

Credit clockwise from top left: 1, 2, 3, 4

Credits: 1, 2

Since one of our colors is gold, I would also be open to incorporating that into the cakes, especially if they look like these!

Credit: 1, 2, 3

Finally, I might enhance the Art Deco theme a bit more by highlighting it in our cake.

Credits: 1, 2, 3

Which one do you like the best? Please let me know in your comments below!

P.S. I know I didn't say a single word about flavor and that is because I don’t discriminate when it comes to cake - I like it all! And this is exactly the reason why I need a sugar detox!

Chic and Simple Wedding Inspiration

I'm not going to lie, it has been incredibly hard for me to finalize my vision and figure out which of the 100 million styles (and I love them all) I am going to go with. Part of the problem is that I am meshing so many different styles together (think simple, chic, modern, vintage, and fresh), so I can't just search for one genre. Since you of course need inspiration to at least build off of, it really is important to finalize some sort of color scheme, vision, and style. Enter, this photo. Now this is pretty much what I am looking for in so many regards. Let's break it down. I love the fresh and airy color scheme, natural colors and textures, white table clothes with bright and bold color pops. So this photo pretty much covers it right?? I have been trying to stear far away from pink (as much as I highly love it) because I don't want it to turn out girlie. I am totally fine with adding in pops of pink and incorporating it since it is just an amazing color, but for Ian's sake, I want to make it a bit more neutral.

And now for the details! I'm seriously obsessed with those burlap-wrapped mason jars holding the centerpiece bouquets and candles. Those candles would be so romantic letting off light through the burlap textures. I am definitely adding that to my to-do list!

And since we are on the subject of my wedding, how is the venue search going?? I went to see the Old Whaling Station last weekend. After seeing the space for a fourth time, I decided that it was just too small to work. The amount of DIY I would have to do before and during (yes during! We would have to convert the ceremony spot into the reception spot while people were fully standing there!) just seemed like it was not worth it in the end. So, the search continues.... I found a few spots, but again, I still have to go see them all. I think I should check out Napa again? Or some place like that. Or maybe I will check out some destination locations??

Image Source: Sea Studio

Milk Anyone?

What is this obsession I am having with food products?? This is so unlike myself seeing as I am the one that would be fine having no food at all. Anyways, I guess I'll keep the super cute ideas coming, but I hope everyone that comes to my wedding is aware of the fact that they will be gaining about 10 pounds that night with all these sugary treats! (We will just have to burn it all off with hours upon hours of dancing!) So my new thing, Milk. I know it sounds slightly lame, but I love these cute little milk jars in ice. Plus when people are eating their cake or pies, milk is the best thing. Of course, milk and wine don't quite mix, but even if no one drinks the milk, it will look super dooper cute sitting in tubs all around the reception! :)

Source: Jolie Jolie, Caroline Tran

Cute right??? Is this a good alternative to alcohol when eating your cake?? I kind of think so!

Part 2: Vintage Wedding in my Potential Venue!

Ok here is part two of the amazing wedding. Again, this is the venue I am planning to use so it is great to see that someone has actually done a fantastic wedding here! Just so that everyone doesn't think I am crazy for being majorly indecisive on this space :), here is the update. I am taking the moms to see the place on Sunday. At this point, unless they point out any insanely major issues, I am going to book it. I do have a few cons keeping me from instant love, the first being the homemade food. I actually have no doubt in my mind that it will turn out to be 100% incredible, but it is the stress of getting to that point that is really killing me. It is obviously just a lot of work.

The other major concern is that the space is just not a wedding set-up. In a way I actually really like that because I hate a lot of cookie cutter wedding venues, but at the same time it takes lots more creativity and pulling in different elements to ensure the space is how it is supposed to be. I am definitely very excited to work with the non-traditional aspect, but in times of wedding inspiration-block, I am nervous that I won't know where to put anything! Oh my. That probably won't be the case, but I guess it is worth freaking out about.

SOOO CUTE on the food right! Love the way they did this.

OMG! I am sooo doing milk like this..I am in love :)

One thing I love about this space is the very versatile photography spots! There are so many different places which are all totally different styles. I think that will make for some great diversity!

This is the outside of the building. Not something we would be seeing from the seating in the reception.

OK all, I could REALLY use the help and feedback! What are your thoughts? Cute, not cute, keep looking, do something in particular?? I can't believe I might actually have a full venue booked in the next week. YAY

Vintage and Detailed Wedding (In my potential venue!)

I wanted to show off this wedding because it is at the venue I plan on doing mine in! :) I basically googled the venue and searched for images so I could see what other people did, how the space was set up, etc. This completely helped me decide because I could really visualize how it could actually work! They really wanted a backyard feel to their wedding which they definitely accomplished from the DIY food, to the DIY decor. Everything was made by them from start to finish! This is pretty much what I want to do, so it's great to see that someone else has accomplished that and gotten published! (This wedding was featured on Ruffled.)

You can't see too many pictures of the space itself, but what do you think about it?? I would definitely love to hear thoughts, ideas of what I can do with it, etc!

Source: Caroline Tran

Love the entrance way! I also wanted to hang lanterns which this place is literally perfect for.

Ok, that is just part 1! You can sort of see the space a little in terms of the colors, the nature, the brick etc. It's all very pretty, and it makes it even better that this wedding is beyond gorgeous!

Pink and Gray

I don't happen to be a fan of pink weddings. I later realized that any color wedding, if done right, can be gorgeous. As with any color it is important not to over saturated the area with your color. Spread it out a little bit by adding neutral colors in between. So here we go with a gorgeous pink and gray inspiration board set out to make those haters of pink weddings realize that it can be done right! Pops of color, pretty much my all time favorite wedding term, are far better than a color or theme which takes over.

Do you have a pink and gray inspiration board?? If these are your colors I would love to see what you are working with!

Source: Elizabeth Anne, Amsale, Erica O'Brian, Lotus Haus,  Orange Beautiful, Pretty Cheeky

{Treats} Desserts on a Stick

Remember the cake pops I made for my engagement party? Well, I made those myself! Turns out there is a whole slue of "pops" I didn't even know about! I was obviously quite excited for all the possibilities and all the new recipes I could try! Which ones should I try next? Since everything is better in mini sizes, these little treats are perfect for bridal showers, engagement parties, or just a Saturday night :)

{Source: Bakerella}

I happen to be a pie person, so I am super excited to make these pie pops. I think mini-macaroons would look just darling on sticks :) Definitely on my "to bake" list. Maybe I will expand out to all these items for my bridal shower, make it a continuation of the cake pops I did at the engagement party.

{Source: Bakerella}

Have you ever made any of these or tried them?? What flavors are the best and what did you make them for??

Psst: Let's connect up over twitter or facebook! I'm an April 2011 bride planning my Holman Ranch wedding in Carmel Valley. Thanks for visiting!