Sugar High

I am halfway through a 30 day sugar detox. Yes, this was self-imposed and yes I am crazy. After a splurging on way too many holiday treats, I decided to take a break from the sweet stuff for a month in the hopes of get my cravings back in check. Consequently, all I can think about is sugar as of late! So I thought I would channel this into something productive and start salivating searching for some awesome cake décor ideas! My fiancé is still unsure about having a full-blown cake. He would like a dessert bar with lots of options for people to choose from. Given that this is one of the only things he has expressed an opinion about (the other thing was hors d'oeuvre – are you sensing a theme?), I think I have to give it to him. But I still would like a cake – likely a small one – in order to capture the obligatory cake-cutting moment. And I also love the tradition of freezing the top layer and enjoying it together on your first anniversary (“enjoy” might not be the right word – does it still taste good after a year?).

So far I am leaning toward all white! I absolutely love these eyelet ones I have come across.

Credits clockwise from top left: 1, 2, 3, 4

And these flower cakes are breathtaking!

Credit clockwise from top left: 1, 2, 3, 4

Credits: 1, 2

Since one of our colors is gold, I would also be open to incorporating that into the cakes, especially if they look like these!

Credit: 1, 2, 3

Finally, I might enhance the Art Deco theme a bit more by highlighting it in our cake.

Credits: 1, 2, 3

Which one do you like the best? Please let me know in your comments below!

P.S. I know I didn't say a single word about flavor and that is because I don’t discriminate when it comes to cake - I like it all! And this is exactly the reason why I need a sugar detox!

{Desserts} Sweet Tables

Dessert tables are a super fun way to present treats to your guests in a non-traditional way. I love tables that use a variety of different items of decor to create a unique table. The use of furniture and lots of frames and jars along with those personal details that make your style yours are the best way to go about table design. Choose some of your favorite treats and don't be afraid to be as fun as you want. Brownies, s'mores, ice cream sundaes and other fun treats would be totally cute.

As far as my plans, I am creating a dessert bar of sorts for the bridal shower. We are hosting a brunch so it will be a combo of sweet and savory items for the 20 some guests in attendance.

Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

{Sweets} Dessert Must-Haves

First off, thanks to everyone who has entered the giveaway so far! Remember, there is a prize for one bride and one vendor! So get going with those entries if you haven't already! Now onto some devilish we get to sit and look at all these desserts that we want to be in our mouths! But instead, we are dieting until the wedding. Shucks. Well, at least we get to look at the amazing shots of yummy desserts, right?

I know I have posted before about macaroons, and what can I say, I just can't seem to get enough of these babies. The colors, the shapes, the taste, there just isn't anything wrong with macaroons. I'm trying my hand at making home-made macaroons in a few weeks. I don't know how it will go, but I'll definitely have an update after I am done.

{Source} Macaroon Favor, Macaroon Cake, Macaroon stand, Macaroons

Whether you are making a macaroon cake, plan to use these as your favors, or are just offering them on your dessert table, french macaroons will just add that something extra for your wow-factor wedding. I should probably figure out how to add these into my wedding, or maybe my bridal shower??

{Source} Milk and Cookie Display, Milk Bottle, Milk and Cookie Glasses

Cookies and Milk. If you can make cookies and milk look like a gourmet dessert, then props to you. This simple, childhood dessert has really come up there to become such a unique idea for a wedding. Oh and milk bottles! You could do so much by adding milk bottles! So amazing :)

{Source} Small cupcakes, Tiffany's Treat, Cupcake Stand

And of course, cupcakes! These little mini cakes can be the most amazing thing ever! The options of decor are insane, and you could pretty much add them to any event and make them look epic. And is that "Tiffanys Treat" photo not the greatest thing ever?? It was for a bridal shower. The whole idea is just amazing!

{Inspired Style} Backyard Bonanza

As you know, I had talked about doing a backyard wedding for a long time. It was something that always remained in the back of my head. I love the intimacy of the backyard wedding (and the price isn't bad either!) Overall, having a blank canvas to do as you wish as much as you wish is really an unbeatable scenario. These cute little backyard details transform a regular old backyard into the fun affair that is your wedding day. And a beautiful wedding day at that!

Source: Vase, Reception, Desserts, Fence,

{Treats} Desserts on a Stick

Remember the cake pops I made for my engagement party? Well, I made those myself! Turns out there is a whole slue of "pops" I didn't even know about! I was obviously quite excited for all the possibilities and all the new recipes I could try! Which ones should I try next? Since everything is better in mini sizes, these little treats are perfect for bridal showers, engagement parties, or just a Saturday night :)

{Source: Bakerella}

I happen to be a pie person, so I am super excited to make these pie pops. I think mini-macaroons would look just darling on sticks :) Definitely on my "to bake" list. Maybe I will expand out to all these items for my bridal shower, make it a continuation of the cake pops I did at the engagement party.

{Source: Bakerella}

Have you ever made any of these or tried them?? What flavors are the best and what did you make them for??

Psst: Let's connect up over twitter or facebook! I'm an April 2011 bride planning my Holman Ranch wedding in Carmel Valley. Thanks for visiting!

Wedding Worthy Eye Candy

I am super excited about today's post! First of all, sorry it is incredibly late! I can't upload any photos to the blog at all :( and I am pretty lucky to get this post out as it is! Anyways, enough about that, and let me show off the source of my excitement!

Invitations to the party. Adorable

One of the most amazing dessert tables I have ever laid eyes on!

Source: P is for Party

The colors, the details, the pretty! I just can't get enough of this incredible party! Everything about this is perfect and adorable! The cake even matches the invitation. There is major eye candy to be taken from this, and so much great inspiration for your wedding day. I love every single part of this, down to the straws!

What is the occasion for such an incredible backdrop such as this?? A child's birthday party! Can you believe it? I don't think I have ever had a birthday party that even closely resembled this, but this two year old has "wedding worthy" eye candy for her second birthday! You better believe I am taking insane amount of inspiration from this which are going straight into my planning!